do you ever suspect you may be a sleeper agent?

a seemingly insignificant event could be your activation trigger.

often we act without fully understanding our own motivations.

but, it's hard to make an omelet without breaking some eggs.



Wonton Destruction (Linux) 87 MB
Wonton Destruction (macOS) 72 MB
Wonton Destruction (Windows) 104 MB

Development log


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story of my life, bro 

Pretty rough around the edges but neat none the less. None of the water pumps registered as being destroyed, so the game soft locks at that point. Aside from that the guards/police/enemy dogs/things that chase you etc. don't seem to work properly, but I think I almost prefer it like that. The game might become trivial without any risk, but in that way it lets you relish that much more in the destruction. Perhaps worth keeping around as a lower difficulty setting or something. 


Thank you for taking the time to play and comment! I just pushed a fix for the water pumps and I really like the idea of a "disinterested" difficulty mode where the NPCs just go about their business.